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Postdoctoral Researcher

Universities And Institutes Of France


Organisation/Company: INSERM

Research Field: Chemistry ? Computational chemistry

Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1) Recognised Researcher (R2)

Application Deadline: 15/12/2022 14:00 - Europe/Brussels

Location: France ? Paris

Type Of Contract: Temporary

Job Status: Full-time

Hours Per Week: 40

Offer Starting Date: 01/02/2023

Reference Number: MetABC

A postdoctoral position is available at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Paris, CITCOM lab, France,

in the team ¡°Medicinal Chemistry and Translational Research¡± co-led by Pr. Michel Vidal and Dr. Maria A. Miteva. The

position is for 24 months and can start in February ¨C March 2023.


The project is funded by ANR and aims at developing of an integrated approach for in silico (AI)

prediction of chemicals and drugs toxicity.

We are seeking a highly motivated and autonomous postdoctoral researcher. The candidate

should hold a PhD degree in structural bioinformatics, chemoinformatics, computational

chemistry, biophysics or a related field with a strong interest on intermolecular interactions. As

a part of this ANR project you will join strong scientific and interdisciplinary environment of the

CITCOM lab composed by seven teams of biologists, chemists, pharmacologists and molecular



- Ability to conduct independent research

- Knowledge of structural bioinformatics and chemoinformatics

- Experience in molecular modeling and machine learning

- Experience in MD simulations / enhanced sampling methods

- Experience in programming in R, Python or bash

- Excellent written and communication skills

- Fluent English

Please send your CV and motivation letter to Maria A. Miteva: [email protected] ,

subject Postdoc

Offer Requirements


Biological sciences: PhD or equivalent

Chemistry: PhD or equivalent

Specific Requirements

- Ability to conduct independent research

- Knowledge of structural bioinformatics and chemoinformatics

- Experience in molecular modeling and machine learning

- Experience in MD simulations / enhanced sampling methods

- Experience in programming in R, Python or bash

- Excellent written and communication skills

- Fluent English

Contact Information

Organisation/Company: INSERM

Department: U1268

Organisation Type: Public Research Institution

Country: France

City: Paris

Postal Code: 75006

Street: 4 Av. de l Observatoire
